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Technical Sales Center Email: sales@china-pdfc.com
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Hi-expansion foam Generater

No outside source of power required .
Stainless steel body and screens.
Four different models available: PR-3, PF-4, PF-6, and PF-10
Working pressure 3 bar to 10 bar(40 to 100 PSI)

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 No outside source of power required .

Stainless steel body and screens.

Four different models available: PR-3, PF-4, PF-6, and PF-10

Working pressure 3 bar to 10 bar(40 to 100 PSI)

Technical Sales Center:
庆城县| 西峡县| 平武县| 武安市| 忻城县| 眉山市| 建平县| 特克斯县| 龙胜| 江城| 凤冈县| 陆良县| 奉新县| 祁东县| 北宁市| 隆安县| 临安市| 巧家县| 夏津县| 栾川县| 马边| 三门县| 松滋市| 巴林左旗| 青川县| 泽州县| 离岛区| 丹江口市| 石渠县| 古浪县| 和平区| 平度市| 泰和县| 平阴县| 岑溪市| 昔阳县| 蓬安县| 伊金霍洛旗| 邵阳县| 金华市| 新宾|